Painting the Masterpiece that is You

Bright colors, playful touches, outdoor scenes, and imaginary beings: These elements are all a part of the work of Alaska artist Rie Muñoz. I have three of her prints in my office. Whenever I look at them I smile.

Ms Munoz’s paintings are full of delightful whimsy. I like that in a painting. I like that in a person. In her paintings, the full colors of her paintbrush sing out, “here I am, notice me!” The Alaskan animals and sea creatures riding along in Noah’s ark suggest a clever sense of humor. The images of people in her life communicate a deep connection.

Of course, I don’t know Rie Munoz; yet, I have a clear impression about her from her paintings. The way you live your life is a bit like a work of art to the people around you. Your actions, words and choices -everything you do - paints a picture of who you are. Is your “painting” a true reflection of you?

We have heard the saying that “actions speak louder than words.”This is quite often the case. However, in the end, both your actions and your words communicate who you are. They create an impression; they create the painting that is you each day – your self-portrait. Are your words and actions aligned with your values? What might people believe about you based on your behaviors and choices? Take time to get clear on who you want to be. Define your core values and life purpose. It is in clarifying these questions and then aligning your actions, that your work of art – you - becomes compellingly beautiful.

I hope that my own painting speaks of a joy of life, an empowering spirit, and creativity. Every day my words and actions add and change my painting. For all of us, our self-portraits are a work in progress.

Does the painting you paint each day reflect who you want to be and what you want to do to make a difference in the world? If your answer is no, take time to determine where the disconnection is. If your answer is yes, paint your masterpiece! It’s a beauty.

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