
KTG Leadership Solutions transition programs are for individuals who are looking for support in making a transition in their life – a young adult moving into college or into their first career; a professional looking for the next perfect job or career; or an individual creating a satisfying retirement.

For young adults who are dealing with the changes and challenges of college or post-college transitions, we collaborate with you to identify who you want to be in this new world, support the emotional roller-coaster that you may be experiencing, and provide accountability as you set goals for today and the future.

For people in career transition and job search, we use the LAUNCH Transition Services™ model. Using this program our coach will customize the process to meet your specific needs while in transition. You work together to explore four critical areas:

  • Dealing with emotions of a job loss or career change
  • Understanding strengths, career passions, values and personal mission
  • Customized profile based on your Clifton StrengthsFinder® results
  • Creating the job search toolkit: resume, networking plan and interviewing skills

For those individuals on the verge of retirement or newly retired, together we will address the emotions that come with the end of a career, re-evaluate your strengths, values and personal mission in light of your retirement, and co-create a vision and plan for this next phase of your life.

The best way to see if coaching is for you is to schedule a complimentary 30-minute sample session. This gives you an opportunity to experience a typical coaching session and get to know our coaching style, allowing you to make a more informed decision.

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