Jazz, Tension, Conflict And Resolution In The Workplace

Can conflict EVER be constructive? Isn’t it all about disagreement, frustration and lack of alignment? What good can come from that? True, conflict often is these things, but there are ways to manage the emotions that go with conflict. But before we get to the “how,” let’s look at “why” this is an important topic […]

What are the hallmarks of a high performing team?

You know how you can just tell a great team from a not-so-great team? There are certain hallmarks that can tip you off to a well-functioning and high performing team. I have had the privilege of working on teams like this. Here is what I experienced in those teams and more specifically the behaviors, attitudes […]

Be What You Know You Can Be

Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson The other day I found myself just sitting, wishing there was more, that I was more. I know others share this feeling. So many of us have this nagging belief that we have awesome-ness […]