Choose Wisely - 3 Strategies to Find Joy, Purpose and Fulfillment

It seems I keep running into “choice.” At every moment of my own life, I am presented with choices. As I coach my clients, I find they are often struggling with choice. Sometimes it is a choice of how they perceive a particular situation. Other times, clients are struggling with more concrete choices, such as leaving a job or staying where they are.

The ability to make a choice is an empowering thing and yet so often we freeze at the moment of choice.  Here are three reasons why you should actively use this amazing ability you have to make a conscious choice and, in so doing, take more control of your life.

Your body, mind and spirit may be healthier. Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives. ~ Anthony Robbins

Face it, sometimes you hang on to an emotion, a perceived slight or a long-passed hardship. Sometimes it is easier or just feels good to be able to blame something or someone else for your current emotional or physical situation. I am not diminishing the hard things that we all experience. They can be very real, difficult and sometimes debilitating; yet, living with the resulting negative emotions can take a toll on your body. Studies have shown that if you have not learned to manage your anger or other stress-based emotions constructively; you are more likely to experience heart disease, depression or digestive problems.  You also may find that the negativity you hold within impacts your current relationships negatively. Holding grudges only exacerbates the problem. You CAN make a choice. Understand that your experiences are just that, experiences. Consider them a data point in your life story and choose a positive and healthy perspective with which to move forward.

You may be able to drop “I can’t” from your vocabulary. Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right. ~ Henry Ford

It’s true that there are some things you absolutely can’t do. For example, you may not have the ability to touch your tongue to your nose. However, there are many other situations in which “can’t” may not be the right word choice. For instance, “I cannot jump out of a plane” (a declaration I have made many times), would probably better be phrased “I choose not to join you on that skydiving trip you’re planning.” Make words like can’t, shouldn’t or never cues to check out what you might be avoiding or afraid of.  You CAN make a choice. Acknowledge that “I can’t” may be plain old fear. Maybe a change of language would open you up to discovering that you “can” do many more things than you imagine.

You will live your best life. True happiness… is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. ~ Helen Keller

When you make choices that resonate with your personal values, individual strengths and life purpose, those choices become the door to a fulfilling life.  In fact, understanding what is most important to you can provide a filter to determine the right choices throughout your life. These choices still may not be easy ones to make, but you have the promise of living a life that holds more meaning. You CAN make a choice to lead a fulfilling life and live in your values, strengths and life purpose.

Be aware of the choices you have. Choose wisely. In the words of Ralph Marston, The life you lead is the life you choose to see and to experience. Choose, in this moment and every moment, to fill it with joy, meaningful purpose and fulfillment.

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